Do you have family photographs stashed away in a shoebox in the attic? Or perhaps letters, diaries, war records or newspaper cuttings relating to your ancestors?
These documents and pictures help to tell your family’s story, and are irreplaceable. Many things, however, can threaten their survival.

Old photographs, diaries, letters and other documents provide direct windows into your family’s past
Quite apart from the risks of loss and wear and tear, there are the invisible threats that storage in envelopes, boxes and albums can bring. Over time, acid contained within ordinary paper and cardboard will eat away at the documents stored inside.
The yellowing at the edges of the pages of this self-adhesive album show where acid contained within the paper is seeping out
This wedding photograph from 1945 has had sellotape applied to it – one of the worst things you can do to an historic photograph or document!
Stored and cared for properly, however, documents like this can last for generations.
To help you keep your documents and photoraphs in the best condition possible the ERO is hosting two Conservation Surgeries. Come along to these free drop-in sessions and bring your documents for expert advice from our Senior Conservator on how best to care for your documents and photographs.
Friday 22 June 2012 10.00am-12.00noon & 1.00pm-4.00pm
At the Saffron Walden Archive Access Point, Saffron Walden Library, King Street, SaffronWalden,CB10 1ES
Thursday 28 June 10.00am-12.30pm & 1.30pm-4.00pm
At the Essex Record Office, Wharf Road, Chelmsford, CM2 6YT